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Anime Taro Sale Question ( sorry, I'm stupid ) (Wed Jun 5 12:24:27 2002 )
LJ [View profile ]

I have a question.  I know the Anime Taro 50% 
sale started on June 3rd, but has it ended since 
then?  How long does the sale run for?  There is 
a cel on there still up for sale that I would 
like to buy- but unless I get it at it's 50% 
price as part of the sale, I won't be able to 
afford it.  And I don't want to order it just in 
case the sale IS over and then I won't be able to 
afford the cel at it's non-sale price and I would 
never want to cancel on the dealers ( or at least 
have to beg for more time to pay it off ), 
although that is what I would have to do should 
that happen.

So basically- is the sale still on?  And for how 
long?  Or was it just a one-day special thing?  I 
have checked at Taro's website and here at the 
forum and can find no answers as to whether this 
sale is lasting more than just one day.  Thanks.

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