Hellos everyone im planning quite a expensive
vacation so i need to raise some funds, hence i
have put some of my nicer cels up for offers on
my site. Ranging from Kenshin to Slayers there
are 12 cels in all that i have put up and i will
take offers on them untill Tuesday when i will
send the remaining cels to E-bay. So when someone
gives me a offer i will post it under the cel on
my site, But i will only accually sell the cel if
the offers reach what i paid for them. If the
offer period ends and the cels have not reached
what i paid for them i will E-mail the person who
made the highest offer and tell them what i paid
for the cel and ask them if they want it for that
price. I think this is the fairest way to do this.
Thanks for looking
uery.asp?SeriesID=2461&Gallery=thridimpact |