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Re: Anyone selling Arslan cels? (Thu Jun 13 05:32:19 2002 )
graymouser [View profile ]

Wow, that's a tough one. There was someone 
selling some of Daryoon that posted back in the 
begining of May/end of April, but its been a 
while. I bought one, but there were three total 
so I don't know if the rest sold or not. You can 
probably check in archives.

Nichibei and Anime Taro each have one of Arslan I 
think Nichibei's is from the first movie though 
and I'm not sure about Taro's (you need to look 
under T in Taro's for "THE") A few other dealers 
have AS cels but none that I can remember have 
any Arslan nor Daryoon.

Its not a commonly collected series so it can be 
hard to find cels from it. You just need to keep 
an eye out at dealer sites, here and ebay. There 
have been times where there have been months 
before I have seen any new ones available, let 
alone ones of certain characters. Good luck on 
your search, its always nice to hear from other 
AS collectors.


PS: I bought a cel of Melain shooting off of ebay 
in February. I hope that wasn't the one you were 
looking at before.

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