I jsut want to thin down some collections from
mine. I rare sell cels(less then 12 in the past
though e-bay), and rare post message here, so may
be nobody knows me....(well, if you always bid GW
xQuatre doujinshi from e-bay, you may know me
well ^^6)
Anyway, since my collection is going too big(ok,
just my point of view), I'm going to sell all
(apart from some character of Gundam Wing, you
can find out from my wishlist if you like)
What I got for sale:
Gundam Wing
--Heero, Duo, Relena, Wufei, etc etc
Da!Da!Da! (some are of full sequence, fans of it
can't miss!!)
--my new growth interest, but decide to stop now,
you can find many super cool sets there
--my sole Sakura chan cel with the card
The URL:
Please go and check them out!!