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Buy it? Duh! Well, of course! ^_^ (Sun Jun 16 22:32:53 2002 )
Drac of the Sharp Smiles [View profile ]


I actually do have a downloaded AVI of Bloodlust, 
but when I heard it was so close to being 
released here I didn't bother to watch it. I'd 
rather see a good DVD copy first. ^_^  Now I just 
haven't gotten around to getting my butt to 
Suncoast. ~_~;;

So it's really originally in English? This is 
interesting! I hadn't heard that before. I'm 
tempted to glance at the beginning of my AVI to 
see what language *that* is in, but I'm 
determined to see the DVD first! ^_^;

Many Sharp Smiles,

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