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Re: Re: Re: Congrats kaerra & ralliher & about Fuu.. (Thu Jun 20 07:19:12 2002 )
kaerra [View profile ]

Thanks for the compliments, everyone!  I'm glad to hear that 
other people on this forum won cels from the silent auction 
too!  I'll look forward to seeing them posted on your sites in 
the near future.  ^_^

Craig, your cels are absolutely 
gorgeous.  I'm always envious and drooling whenever I look at 
them.  So I'm glad you were able to get one you wanted from the 
silent auction.  Like Maichan asked, which Hikaru did you win?  
The cool one in grayscale, or the one from the opening?  

for Umi, I saw the cel on YJ too, a few weeks before the silent 
auction started.  I had assumed it was the same cel as the one I 
won, because I think the seller had tried to sell it on YJ before 
deciding on the silent auction forum.  He'd priced it at 30,000 
yen and I remember ogling it on many occasions, wishing he'd 
drop the price.  I didn't expect I would actually end up with 
that cel for significantly less than he was charging 
(although not THAT much less... it's now the most expensive 
Rayearth cel I own, although it falls short of my Sango and 
Miroku cel for the dubious honor of the single most expensive 
cel in my collection).  But maybe you saw a few other cels from 
the same sequence elsewhere, and I just missed it.  

So if 
I'm understanding you correctly, did you get an Umi cel from 
that sequence too?  That would be awesome.  There don't seem to 
be too many of those around, huh?

congratulations on bagging the Fuu cel and Umi's mom!  I 
thought about bidding on the former and decided that I 
couldn't spread myself too thin.  I have a Fuu cel I adore 
anyway, and no Umi cels from TV, since I sold my last one at 
Fanime.  So I'm glad the auction seems to have worked out well 
for all of us!  ^_^  I hope you get a rubberslug site or something 
set up so we can see your collection!  Thanks for letting us know 
about your acquisition!  ^_^

Hey Emika, thanks for the 
good vibes and the doujin!  You're the best!  ^_^  Love your Ken 
eyecatch, btw.  Where did you pick that up from?  I've been 
contemplating trying to find an Aya one to grasp out of 
someone's hands, but I'm too poor at the moment...



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