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Shikishi Etiquette! (Thu Dec 23 01:19:55 2004 )
Cres [View profile ]

I was mentally planning out the 2005 con season, 
and was thinking about getting some shikishi done 
at an upcoming convention. I know it's been 
discussed in the past, but I figured the forum 
was a bit slow and maybe people would enjoy 
rehashing their shikishi adventures. ^_^

First question... when I was at a local art store 
the other day, I noticed they had shikishi paper. 
I'm guessing it's intended for calligraphy-type 
shikishi? Do people who want autographs/drawings 
make use of it as well, or do they just bring 
their own heavy-duty art paper in?

Next... if I'm supplying the paper myself, should 
I also bring a sharpie or some other drawing pen? 
Or is it safe to assume that whatever they're 
using to give everyone else's autographs with 
will work just fine on the shikishi? I usually 
provide my own pen when I'm having people sign 
weird surfaces (like acetate) because I'm more 
comfortable with that, but if it's just paper, do 
people normally go to that length?

And third question... most people who line up for 
autographs want autographs. Is it bad manners to 
line up wanting a little bit of art? Even a 
quickie sketch would probably take longer than a 
regular signature, but I'm just afraid of camping 
out in a line for an hour and then being told I 
can't ask for artwork. It will probably be at a 
smaller con, so I don't think the guests will be 
worn out... but what have others' experiences 

Any commentary would be greatly appreciated, and 
if anyone feels like showing off shikishi they've 
gathered in the past, please share! :o)

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