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Re: Anyone know the link for cels at the new WANTED AUCTION page in JP? (Sun Jun 23 10:07:09 2002 )
kaerra [View profile ]

Someone just posted the link for it a few days 
ago, I think, since that's where I got it from.  
But there seems to be two ways to look at it, one 
without pictures and one with.  Since I don't 
generally like having to take the time to look up 
the Katakana characters I don't know as well on 
listed auctions without posted images (till you 
click the link, that is), here's the link that I 
use, WITH the pics.


Hee hee, just promise to leave my Utena cel 
alone.  ^_^  I'm just kidding.  Although truth be 
told, it's about to end anyway and I'm actually 
winning, which is a shock.  ^_^  But anyway, 
enough of that.  Have fun searching!  At present, 
there don't seem to be that many auctions from 
some of the more popular series on YJ like 
Rayearth or Slayers, but there seems to be a 
steadily increasing number of cels on the site 
since I first came across it a month ago.  Which 
is always a good thing.  ^_^ 

Good luck with your cel endeavors!  ^_^


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