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X/1999 Nataku and other cels up for offers (Tue Jun 25 10:10:15 2002 )
Kamiki - nli [View profile ]

Hello :)

Well, I'm considering letting go a few cels to 
help raise money for a dream cel... so here 

I'm accepting offers on my X/1999 Nataku until 
next Monday.  I -really- like this cel... and I 
can't really believe I'm even saying this.  
*sigh*  But, I'm willing to listen to offers.  I -
might- decide to keep him if I don't get what I 
need for him... but  it all depends on how the 
dream cel hunt goes   ^_~  So by all means, if 
you want to make a serious offer... please feel 

As for the rest of the cels in my gallery...I'm 
not particularly looking to let go of them, but 
I'll entertain offers on all of them as well.  
The only two that I can promise you aren't going 
ANYWHERE is my newest Shido A1 END book cel and 
my blue Kain.  Everything else tho if worth a 
try.  I've got some good El Hazard OVA and 
Nightwalker, so take a look :)

Please make offers to 


or visit my gallery at


Thanks for looking!


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Message thread :
  • X/1999 Nataku and other cels up for offers - Kamiki - nli (25 Jun 10h10)

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