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To anyone who has Slayers Next on DVD... I'm paying $5 for a screencap (Tue Jun 25 07:02:21 2002 )
evilminion [View profile ]

Yep, you heard me right.  *grin*  $5 for the first 
person who can get me a screen capture of a 
certain scene from episode 25 of Slayers Next.  
After long searching, the cel is finally mine... 
but it's missing a mouth layer.  So heck, I'm 
going to make my own!  Can't let a little thing 
like that stand between me and a true dream cel.  

Trouble is, there's no douga with it, just a stack 
of genga.  So I need a screen cap in order to get 
the new layer's image juuuuuust right.

Attached are the genga for the right expression, 
and the cel.  Can anyone help, please?

*huge, hopeful anime eyes*

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