i don't mean to slam fan cel artists in general,
as i myself am a fancel artist and in fact have a
fan cel on eBay right now. but i include "fan
cel" in my auction title everytime. while they
may not get the same attention and bids than the
people who don't use fan cel in the title, i know
my cel is going to someone who really wants it
for it's value as a piece of fanart, no matter
what the price goes to.
i just know that there are certain people who are
making a business out of making fancels is all,
and that makes me mad because people were
treating us all like we were like that for a
while, and i and a lot of other fan cel artists
that i know are not like that. my main gripe is
the people that do that, *and* just make blatant
copies of other people's cels. at least i make my
own drawings/poses, do repro's of promotional
things or at least use a screen shot and not
someone's cel picture. i saw someone make a ryoko
fan cel from a cel auction that just ended the
day before with the real production cel. to me,
that's not a wanting to make fancels, that's a
wanting to make money.
hehe, sorry about the long ranty post, i've got a
lot on my plate today ^~. thanks to those who
read, though ;).
haruna |