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Cels & Sketches FS, FO and FA: Furuuba, Spiral, Angelique, Weiss, more! (Mon Jan 3 14:59:09 2005
summer_queen [View profile
Spring cleaning is coming a little early this
year in my household. Too many bits o' paper
flying around.
First, simply for Sale.
Second, on ebay 2 HunterxHunter Killua
cels and a pair of Loki rough sketches. User id
Third, offers. I've culled a number of sketches
from several of my collections and I'd like to
sell each series as kind of an instant mini-
collection. Which is to say, I'd like offers on
every item on the page, not individuals (with
the exception of Furuuba, where I'll consider
individual offers). No time limit, since that
rarely works for me, so the first person to make
me an offer I can't refuse will get the set(s)
they ask for.
Spiral -- 89 sketches
Angelique OVA -- 25+
Weiss Kreuz Gluhen -- 11
Fruits Basket -- 3
sketches, 1 copy layout, 2 backgrounds
Message thread :
- Cels & Sketches FS, FO and FA: Furuuba, Spiral, Angelique, Weiss, more! - summer_queen (03 Jan 14h59)