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FA On eBay: OP Cels, Cel Lots, Rare Autographs, & A LOT MORE! (Sun Jan 2 19:26:55 2005 )
esper_kasuga [View profile ]

I have about 38 great auctions ending on Monday: 


Items on auction include OP cels, cel lots, A1 
cels, rare production sketches, autographs from 
Japanese anime guests, and much more!

For those of you who have visited my sales page 
regularly in the past, you already know that I've 
been too busy during the last few months to post 
many new items I was planning to sell. But 
finally, now is your chance to go after some of 
these long-awaited collectibles! 

As a side note, a portion of the profits will be 
contributed to UNICEF for tsunami disaster relief 
efforts. Some auctions have already been 
earmarked for 100% contribution as well. So if 
you would like to help out and grab some nice 
anime collectibles at the same time, please check 
out the auctions! But since I don't think it's 
appropriate to use this topic to score 
unnecessary bids, I also encourage you to make 
direct personal contributions on your own: 


Thank you for your time and have a safe and happy 

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