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Has anyone else ever had this happen? (Sun Jan 2 18:27:21 2005 )
Ichiban [View profile ]

You've just listed some cels for sale on ebay, 
and a day or two later, someone else posts 
similar cels from the same show or movie (which 
in itself is fine) - but when you look at their 
auction, you see they have plagiarized WORD FOR 
WORD the description from your auction! 

It's as if the person selling the other cels has 
no idea what they are selling and so decides to 
just copy your description. Or they are just too 
lazy to write something themselves??? 

Im not sure about any of the rest of you who may 
have experienced such a thing - but its actually 
angered us quite a bit... Is it even worth it to 
write the seller about it?

(As a side note - this is actually the second 
person in as many weeks to do this. The previous 
incident involved cels from a different movie, 
but they went on to revise their auction to 
include information taken from our auction. But 
at least that person changed some of the words 
around - and didnt copy verbatim like this 
person did.)

Has anyone else had this happen? What, if 
anything, did you do about it?

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