> That's the point where people look askance at
> you as if you just said, "Hello. We're Marxist,
> partner-swapping Amish folk visiting your planet
> from our temple on Jupiter."
(*falling over on the floor laughing*)
This is *SO* **SOOOOO** true!!!!!! ^____^ But it
can get even one step worse than that! When my
husband and I get asked where we met, we always
glance at each other before answering. . . Almost
as if to silently ask: "Should we completely
leave out that we met online? Or only leave out
the part about having met online on a discussion
list for *vampires*?"
The online thing is bad enough. ^_^;; Trying to
explain the Vampyres List to people usually has
them smiling very nervously and checking their
watches. "Ooops! Lookit the time! Gotta go." ^_^;;
Many Sharp Smiles,