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Protect from puncture holes!!!!! (Wed Jul 3 20:57:00 2002 )
fickle-haruka [View profile ]

When I sent to Hong Kong my expensive package of
cels, I used EMS. I had bought a sturdy storage
box (the kind that you would use to stick lots of
floppy disks in (I got at Office Depot), after
placing cels with cardboard backing on both sides,
I loaded it with bubble wrap all around and used
peanuts to fill in the side gaps edging the box.
I'm so paranoid of stuff puncturing the box and
percieing the cel *_* I've had that happen, but it
barely missed teh cel, but the box was in the
crappiest condition. please do not bend helps, and
I like to also write PLEASE to make it more polite
^_^ then surround the box with strong clear tape.
It does add lots of weight, but it helps if the
box gets alittle wet or other stuff from making
the box weaker, and humid air to get in.

Sorry that it was long *_*

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