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Re: Where to find Lain cels? (Thu Jul 4 19:33:08 2002 )
rayd [View profile ]

Ouch! That kinda hurt, Im one of those who has a 
Lain gallery. I do it so I can share my love of 
Lain with all of you, and so that Lain will 
always have a home somewhere. Im hoping my heart 
isnt that black and my pockets are not that deep, 
but I can definitely see why it can be seen this 
way. Sorry. I did find this one also, hopefully 
it is still for sale for you.
And Ed Noonchester has a few up too. As for a 
cheap Lain cel, there is no such animal, I wish 
there was one. And Lain cels coming on the market 
are seasonal events, few and far between, you 
have to be very patient. And when you find one 
you like grab it, he/she who hesitates is lost. 
There are some characters ive never even seen and 
ive been doing this for two plus years now. I 
wish you the best in finding the ones your 
looking for. ^_^x

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