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A show me, and a sell me! (Wed Jul 3 19:44:30 2002 )
tenzink [View profile ]

First off, amidst the numerous sale postings I 
thought, perhaps someone is selling off their 
Gatchaman cels? So if you are, and they're from 
the 70's, I would love to see (thanks to those 
who've already sold me some, heheh ^^). Please 
write me from my gallery, thanks! Speaking of 
which, said gallery was updated. Well not really, 
they're all old cels but what the hey. Havent 
been online in years ^^

Next, to make things fair, here's a show me 
thread for those anime characters who prefer not 
to have reflective surfaces in their homes, those 
who fell out the ugly tree and hit every branch 
on the way down, the ones who planned to nuke the 
prom... show me BUTT UGLY!

Starting it off is Caine, a Trigun fella who's 
attempting to masquerade as every horror 
character in film history.. at the same time! 

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