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a couple of places . . . (Sun Jul 7 22:02:28 2002 )
babeyj69 [View profile ]

I watched that show and decided i would go 
looking for cel's.  I found like five sites with 
them.  The only character i really wanted war 
rock.  Didn't find one i liked, except on yahoo 
japan and i don't have any money right now so i 
didn't get it.  I can't remember all the sites, 
collection mall had some, i don't think anime 
chaos does, but anime cel's world does - here is 
the link to that site 

also mangaya just reopened and i know they have 

There was one other site, japanese site that had 
a few.  I know they updated recently, within the 
past 2 weeks so you can search through cel's.org 
update list.

good luck, which character are you specifically 
looking for.

Oh yeah, ask celga for a link to the yahoo japan 
auctions list for the movie.  It is popular 
enough that people post there often.  I have seen 
10 so far on yahoo japan.

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