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Re: terrific show mousie-chan..try the veal and dont forget to tip your waitress...6_n... (Tue Jul 9 18:17:00 2002 )
mouse [View profile ]


Actually, what the deal is with Tama and Taka is 
that Tama was never really real.  Supposedly Tama 
was Taka's uhm...mental projection of himself as 
he wanted to be.  He somehow subconsciously (sp?) 
projected myself as Tamahome into the book so 
that he could meet Miaka, protect her, and fall 
in love with her. It was his fantasy, sort of 
like a dream. Does that make sense?  Tamahome was 
just like Miaka all this time, from the real 
world, as Taka.  This is how Watase described it, 
but it doesnt help much. I didnt like the whole 
OVA stuff.  I thought it would have been fine to 
just end FY with the tv series ~_~ Then if you 
want more you can just go read all the yoomy 
fanfics out there!

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