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RS Members ...have you donated your blood lately? (Wed Jul 10 10:29:01 2002 )
E-N-J [View profile ]

Not nearly that dramatic right? Just wanted to 
remind all "Rubberslug Members" that read this 
*friendly message* to please read the front page 
of the RS site. There is a way that you can help 
support your "property" online and that is by 
throwing just a few dollars into the 
proverbal "hat". If you have PayPal it's a snap 
and will take you less than 10 minutes to 
be "somebody" ^-^. I'm saying this because I 
think that it is right. I am not working for RS 
or anything. I dropped $20 bucks (free will) into 
the hat already, (*not looking for applause, 
cookies, or donuts*) because I think it is worth 
at least that much as an individual. Of course, 
there are other ways to go and that is "free" 
with lots of banners and pop-ups...So, if you'd 
like to hold out until that time comes or until 
the site  closes then of course that is your free 
choice--and it will be annoying, but free. But 
for me, since I am too busy, lazy, (probably 
both :P) to screw around building a site AND also 
then having to deal with the pop-ups..well..that 
is also a bummer. I'd rather stay right where I 
am..RS gives me peace of mind---to get to the 
site and not be distracted. Just like a "real" 
gallery is. I can admire page after page of 
glorious (and some not so glorious) cel art, and 
not be hounded by a salesman (pop-ups, running, 
blinking, singing banners!) in my eyes and 
getting in the way. I can have complete visual 
freedom. Nice trade-off I think.


 If you just want to wait until the "crisis" is 
over and still ride for 100% free (or until the 
wheels fall off)..well..that's regrettable too. 
No one that collects cels is THAT poor of 
finances, ($10,15,or 20 bucks! c'mon) but only 
poor in spirit--> not in the pocket-book and I 
challenge you tell me otherwise..Anyway, enough 
of my preaching,..I don't like 

There are also, a few of us that have thought 
about doing a kinda cel sale..it is still in the 
discussion stages, but I think something of that 
nature may also turn into a "good event" for the 
site. And it could be fun if enough people 
participate. This could be open to anyone, RS or 
not. Or people that just hate the thought of 
using "cold hard" cash. 

(*tiny of tinyest little voice in my head 
says,"but-but.. it's only $10 bucks, at the most 
$20!" I answer it,,,back"yes, yes, I know now 
shut-up, I've said that already...shhhhh!"*)

-Let me know what you think.


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Message thread :
  • RS Members ...have you donated your blood lately? - E-N-J (10 Jul 10h29)

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