And just because a gallery has DBZ cels doesn't
mean that's necessarily the only thing they
collect. I love my Dragon Ball cels, but they
certainly aren't the bulk of my collection.
I do wish you hadn't posted with such a negative
title on your post - even though you say you
don't mean harm etc., I bet most people won't
read past the subject line. It seems like the
type of post that will (and has already begun to)
automatically trigger a bunch of "I hate DBZ
too!" posts in response. And to be honest, I
don't like it when a series I like (heck, or even
a show I DON'T like) gets belittled by other
collectors. It smacks of elitism, with that
whole "my show is better than your show" crap
that I think the whole hobby could do without.
And anyway, I don't understand at all how you
could do a search for any other series on RS and
find only DBZ cels. What, are people now
catagorizing DBZ under the titles of Escaflowne
and Fushigi Yuugi? Or are you complaining about
galleries with DBZ in addition to other titles?
If so, why don't you just look at the series you
are interested in and ignore the DBZ cels?
posting more non-update related messages in one
week than she has in months