...since that's technically what you're buying from
that site. *giggle* And they're excellent,
absolutely gorgeous. Obviously, they look just as
good as real cels, because they ARE real cels, by
studio artists, just done after the fact.
And talk about random coolness -- my order was
shipped in a Full Metal Panic cut bag, heehee!
Logo and everything, and battered enough that you
know it was used during production. Oh, and the
cels themselves come matted and bagged with a
sticker for the show name and a seal sticker for
Kadokawa, back to back with their sketch(es).
That's not even getting into the basics, like
incredibly fast shipping and how quickly and
courteously they handled an ordering problem that
I had. I love these guys.
I'm sorry, I'm gushing. *sheepish grin* But
given that you usually only hear about Purchases
Gone Horribly Wrong, I suppose it's a good idea to
give equal airtime to the truly stellar
transactions. ^_^
Anyway, all three of the cels I picked up, and
their sketches, are now scanned and online on my site:
And here's the site address for Delta, if you'd
like some Full Metal Panic goodies of your own: