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Trying to sell off some cels.. (Fri Jan 14 03:09:13 2005 )
Crisi [View profile ]


Does anyone know of any stores or any people who 
are looking to buy up cels? I've got at least 50 
(probably more) that I want to sell off.  Most I 
would be happy just to get a like $3-5 a peice 
for.  I have a few that I'd be a little bit 
pickier about because I know they are good 
cels.  Once upon a time I had an e-bay store and 
now that I'm trying to clean out my house I need 
to get rid of most of the stock I was too lazy 
to put on e-bay.  Theres alot of YAT, Tenchi, El 
Hazard, a number of ones that I'm not sure of 
the series for.  If intersted, please e-mail 
me!  Put in the subject something about buying 
cels, so that I can find it if it goes in my 
junk folder by accident.  I also have some art 
books, keychains, and the like to get rid of.


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Message thread :
  • Trying to sell off some cels.. - Crisi (14 Jan 03h09)

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