I collect yaoi cels...or at least...try too^^;!
They're a rarity in todays market sadly =(. Most
studios just destroy the cels after completion
since their now *sought* after....*sigh*.
Anyway...I have yet had a chance to see Fujimi
Symphony Orchestra, so I wouldn't be much help in
that department, but...When it comes to FAKE OVA
cels...I'm right down that alley.
Several years ago when Fake was first released, &
Y!J became known publicly to us....There were 3
auctions that contained FAKE cels. The first
auction was for an individual cel of Cara & Bikky
(which you can see on my page), & the other two
were both cels sets that contained 4-5 cels on
each of the auctions. I was fortunate to win all
the auctions, since I have yet to see ANY cels
from it since. I believe they were either all
destroyed, or still being kept in the studio
vault. I sold all but 3 of the cels from all the
auctions I won, so they're floating around
somewhere, & earlier this year I sold one of the
3 I had oiriginally kept off. So, now I'm left
with 2 of my babies...One of Dee from the balcony
kiss scene, & the other of Car & Bikky up against
the chain fence discussing the "bet".
I'm sorry to say that FAKE cels are the rarest of
the rare. I've gone through private contacts in
Japan, & throughout the cel collecting world &
have yet to find anyone with some, or that have
even seen them =(. So, probably the only way to
get them is through one of the few that have them
in their gallery...& they won't be cheap
either...That is...if they decide to part with
If you want any other info on yaoi shows....Let
me know...I'll be more than happy to help you =)~!
Feel free to check out my YAOI Cel Gallery too =).