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steps I took to ease up (Wed Jul 24 00:22:32 2002 )
kylaria77 nli [View profile ]

In order to pay for summer school and save for my 
final quarter of undergrad study, I really had to 
buckle down and reign in all extraneous costs. I 
haven't bought a new cel since the Taro sale, and 
it was only one Tenchi cel for $4. Here are some 
things I've done (and am currently doing) to keep 
the NEED/Addiction under control:

1. Over a few weeks, went from checking Keep 
Track every few hours to once a day, now finally 
down to once a week or once every week and a half.

2. NOT checking ebay compulsively of the 5 "anime 
cel only" searches I created.

3. Went from reading the forum anywhere up to 3-5 
times a day to once a week or less.

4. Stopped renting anime videos or watching ones 
I owned. Though I caved and dragged out my Sailor 
Moon Stars episodes on CD. All I could think of 
were all the scenes I'd probably have to sell 
organs for to collect. (Then I thought about how 
to do screen caps, but I don't think it's 
possible from Real Media files.) 

5. Thought seriously about selling those cels I 
owned that I could become income for other 
cels..er um, food. Yeah. food.

Now that my birthday is coming up, (and I landed 
a new FT job), I find myself slowly wading back 
into cels again. Erk.

Good Luck!

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