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Fancellist wanted... (Fri Feb 4 15:28:24 2005 )
ore-sama [View profile ]

Meep... I'm looking for a fancellist but 
Niisan's URLs don't seem to work :( I tried 
imitation-animation, eyegrey, niisan, nothing 
worked. The last Google result was Imitation-
animation.com but i get a blank when I click it. 

If they stopped, are there any new talents 
around? I'm looking to have an Inuyasha fancel 
of the mutt and Kagome made, oversize and a 
perfect color match (me's quite heartbroken 
about the series ending with so many things 
open). The background would be quite "complex".

But since I deleted all my cel-related links and 
have other things to think about, I lost and 
forgot many artists.

Any links would be nice! My personal favourites 
are Niisan, Bakaneko and Forky, but one 
difficulty or another stands in my way to either 
of them -_-


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