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First Time Framing a Cel. Please Help! (Wed Jul 24 04:51:49 2002 )
J-Decker [View profile ]

I have decided to "try" and frame a cel myself
since to have it "professionally" done at Michaels
would cost me $126.00.  Now, I think I know the
basics after reading previous posts, but I would
like to do it right the first time.

I am looking to use a wood frame with UV protected
glass/acrylic (??) and I want to be able to remove
the cel fromt he frame instead of having it
stapled there like what they do at Michaels.  
Where can I go buy the materials to make the frame
(preferrably not an online store since I am
uncertain about the dimensions).  What materials
to I need or do you recommend.
The Cel I want to frame is of Jubei fromt he Jubei
Chan series (picture shown below).  It is a
standard size cel and looks really awesome (and
only cost me $18.00, so a good starter cel).  What
colors should I get and what do you use for a
background, etc?  Thanks in advance for all your
advice and halp.


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