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OT: Comic-Con (Tue Jul 23 22:58:18 2002 )
Aimee- [View profile ]

hey guys, I appologize as this is slightly off-topic...
But if any of you are going to Comic-Con and want to 
say "Hi"... me and my artist pals Steph, Jen and Paul 
are going to have a booth in the dealer's room to sell 
our new comicbook (and t-shirts and stuff) If you want to 
see more stuff about our books: http://aimeemajor.com/
beast.html and http://www.nethersphere.com/

We're Booth 2304! :)

If I get really lucky I'll be cosplaying Hyakurin from 
Blade of the Immortal. but most likely most of the 
weekend I'm going to be in my fuzzy Totoro hat. (from 
Lindze: http://www.lindze.com/hats/)

I'll also be taking my more and more thin cel books with 
me, if you happen to want to trade or do community 
drooling :)

So if you spot me, say hi!! I'd love to meet some of you!


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