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Well, let's pick this apart. . . (Wed Jul 24 00:06:26 2002 )
Drac of the Sharp Smiles [View profile ]


What *exactly* did your listing say, since I'm 
assuming the pictures had nothing to do with it. 
I'm always *extremely* careful when I use the 
word "adult". As for example, when I call my 
videos "adult-owned". (To say they haven't been 
stomped on by some stampeding child.) Notice the 
hyphen intended to throw off a search for the 
word "adult".

Also, I don't put "you must be 18 or over to 
bid", instead I say: "I refuse to accept bids 
from underage bidders". Yes, they say the same 
thing, basically. . . But the former has a lot 
more potential to be caught in some kind of wide 
sweep, and the auction deleted without being 
looked at it. (Which is apparently what is 

I think people should really start calling them 
on this kind of thing, if there is truly nothing 
in the auction for "mature audiences". I know I 
would, even knowing it would be a pain in the 

Many Sharp Smiles,

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