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Attention all collectors, I have found the animation-lover's treasure trove! (Sat Jul 27 21:59:37 2002 )
Celtyrant [View profile ]

Hopefully, you have looked at this page. I am 
still on a cel haitus while I wait for all the 
things I have ordered to come in, however, I did 
finally get a rather large shipment in. I had no 
idea when I ordered the 'unsorted boxes' what 
exactly I would be getting. It turns out that 
the boxes are full of studio envelopes that have 
ENTIRE SCENES in them. They include all the 
production genga, douga, all the mouth layers, 
eyes, ect ect. All those things that normally 
get THROWN AWAY. They are here....with the 
timing cards so thatyou could animate each scene 
over again. I swear, I think I have entire 
episodes here. Anyway, these things are so neat 
that I wanted to offer them to this forum first. 
I have so many that I just HAVE to share. You 
won't be disappointed. I scanned just one set 
from each package, just so you could have an 
idea of what was in there. If you have any 
questions, please ask. 

Ps-and no, I'm not an evil reselling demon. I 
had no idea what I was getting and some, I fully 
intend to keep. They are not up yet. These are 
the ones from the boxes that I wish to let go. 
Considering what I paid for the boxes, paid in 
shipping from Japan, and spent mucho time 
sorting everything and making sure that nothing 
was wrinkled, ect ect, the prices are very 

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Message thread :
  • Attention all collectors, I have found the animation-lover's treasure trove! - Celtyrant (27 Jul 21h59)

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