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Re: Re: Excel Saga? (Fri Aug 2 07:26:02 2002 )
ryoga2pchan [View profile ]

Yup, and the best thing I've seen in a while, and 
I've watched it every night for the past 2 weeks. 
Hail Ilpalazzo and Hail Jessica Calvello for her 
superior performance as Excels English voice. I 
never knew english could be spoken so fast!

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Message thread :
  • Excel Saga? - ryoga2pchan (01 Aug 06h26)
    • CG - Trebuchet (01 Aug 06h59)
      • Re: CG - ryoga2pchan (02 Aug 07h22)
      • Re: CG - ryoga2pchan (02 Aug 07h22)
    • Re: Excel Saga? - eden (01 Aug 13h22)
      • Re: Re: Excel Saga? - ryoga2pchan (02 Aug 07h26)

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