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Get ready for a huge sale... (Fri Aug 2 16:29:07 2002 )
rekka [View profile ]

Hey everybody.  I am once again home in the 
states...and am not feeling too good at the 
moment.  I have never experienced such pain as I 
have recently, leaving people and places back in 
Japan.@At least I got to say "dakishimete ii" 
to the cute guy that I liked...  haha@@But 
anyway, on the way back home, I was thinking of 
all the money that I've spent on cels and anime 
related things... and though... Which do I enjoy 
more now... anime...or actually being and living 
in Japan, going out with friends and just having 
fun?  I seriously think it's about time to put a 
serious cap on my anime-spending, and this 
includes getting rid of a ton of my cels.  I 
haven't been able to go through them all just 
yet, but I pry will some time this weekend.  So 
if you see anything you like on my gallery, send 
me your offers or whatever or I'll just be 
putting them up in batches on ebay...  

Oh, I've also got the 4th DVD of the Yami no 
Matsuei OVA if any body is interested in that, 
let me know.  =)


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Message thread :
  • Get ready for a huge sale... - rekka (02 Aug 16h29)

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