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More musical sketch fun - this is hard to believe! ^_^ (Sun Aug 4 19:46:46 2002 )
Drac of the Sharp Smiles [View profile ]


To understand what I just found, some background 
is in order: One of my Psychic Force cels is of 
Emilio, Wendy, and Burn. It's animated with Burn 
on one layer, Emilio and Wendy on the other - but 
Emilio and Wendy's heads moved more than the 
bodies. So for the sketches, you had a sketch 
layer of Burn, a sketch layer of only Emilio and 
Wendy's bodies, and a series of "prime" sketch 
layers for just Emilio and Wendy's heads. (More 
numerous than the body layers.)

It's one of my oldest Psychic Force cels and I 
never had the matching sketch for the heads - only
the headless bodies. o_0;;  I just bought another 
cel from the same sequence (from a completely 
different source then the first cel) because it 
had the matching background. When I opened the 
bag, I was happy to find I finally had a sketch 
layer of the heads (the one to match *that* cel), 
when. . . a *SECOND* heads sketch fell out too!!

Lo and behold, it's the heads sketch that matches 
my *first* cel bought way back when!! ^___^ It's 
not an overly short sequence even, and I've 
*never* seen a Psychic Force cel come with a 
sketch that doesn't match it directly. What are 
the odds!?!? ^___^

As a side note, the new cel didn't come with a 
sketch for the bodies. ^_^;; I'm currently trying 
to figure out if my one body sketch layer might 
not match both cels.

But I'm so jazzed about the reunited heads layer! 
What the heck, here's a scan (cropped for better 
viewing) of that wandering sketch! *^_^*

Many Sharp Smiles,

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Message thread :
  • More musical sketch fun - this is hard to believe! ^_^ - Drac of the Sharp Smiles (04 Aug 19h46)

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