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A new Suboshi cel I couldn't help but show off...and a show me request. ^_^ (Tue Aug 6 05:06:05 2002 )
Chaotic Serenity [View profile ]

Ohayo all,

First time posting here, hope I don't step on 
anyone's toes.  *shyly waves to everyone*  How're 
ya'll these days?  Everyone doing well with cels?

Well, I am anyhow.  Must be the fact that I 
couldn't visit cons this year--I had extra cash 
to spare when everyone started selling.

Knowing how rare cels of the Seiryuu seishi were 
in general (as well as considering how late I got 
into the market), I honestly thought I'd never 
own a cel of the twins, but the owner of 
ryuseisui.net proved me wrong when she 
entertained my offer for her Suboshi cel.  Not 
only did I manage to land a twins cel...I also 
got my hands on my ultimate wishlist twins cel of 
Suboshi confessing his love to Yui as he dies in 
the first OAV!  *hops around in happy bunny 
hops*  This is really a dream come true, thank 
you so much Heather!

(P.S.--Cel can be found in the link above if the 
image doesn't show up below.  Please note that I 
had to cut off about an inch of the scan due to 
stuff added by the scanner--you can see all of 
pretty Suboshi-kun's face.)

Anyhow, now that Chao-chan is done showing off 
(which she won't do often, I promise!), she has a 

Gimme your sorrowful, give me your beaten!  Show 
me some sad or lovesick 
bishies/bishoujos/anything!  I'll give you a 
cookie if you can manage to pull off both in one 
cel.  ^_~  Good luck you guys, and thanks for 

Have a nice day!

Chaotic Serenity

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