I am going to start a round of auctions on March
1st 2005 to benefit the Ferrets R #1 Shelter.
All proceeds will be donated to the shelter,
where I adopted my ferrets. I am doing this in
honour of my ferret Mary Jane, who passed away in
All cels will start at 10.00$ with no reserve.
You can view all of the cels here : http://ry
Clicking on the cel images right now will take
you to a page with larger scans & cel information
(basically the HTML that will be in the auctions
when they start). Once the auction starts on
March 1st, clicking on the images will take you
to that auction.
This is a listing of the cel that are on
auction :
Card Captor Sakura :
Yue as the Rabbit from Alice In Wonderland, Ep. 55
Fushigi Yuugi TV / OAV :
Tenkou, OAV II series
Roukou, OAV II Ep. 6
Nuriko in female dress, TV Ep. 13
Inu Yasha
Inuyasha without cloak, Ep. 4
Miroku, Ep. 27
Inuyasha injured
Laughing Target OAV - Satomi
Last Unicorn Movie - Unicorn w/ false horn
Marmalade Boy - Miki & Yuu from OP (opening cel)
Magic Knight RayEarth - Nova, season 2
Please Save My Earth OAV - Jinpachi
Slayers :
Gourry attacking, Ep. 7
Martina, NEXT series
Zelgadis & Sylphiel pan cel - Ep 26 (last episode)
Sailor Moon :
Fiore attacking with sword from SMR Movie
Jadeite & Usagi in disguise, Ep. 12
Rei's grandfather in priest robes
Fiore attacking w/ BG from SMR Movie
Usagi & Chibi Usa w/BG, from Stars?
Princess Serenity attacking w/background, Ep. 46 -
Last episode!
Voltron / Go-Lion - Keith holding Prince Lotor at
sword point
YAT Safe Space Travel - Daniel w/BG
Any ID info would be helpful for any of the cels.
Please pass along to anyone that you think might
be interested!
Thank you!
Anna |