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Wildly off topic.. (for those living in Japan) (Sun Aug 11 03:48:14 2002 )
Jenni Kirtley [View profile ]

First off, many apologies for this being a 
completely non-cel-topic; but I figured this 
would be a good place to find some friendly sorts 
living in Japan...

I am looking for a good hibachi.

Honestly.  My parents reguarly cook on hibachi's 
during the summer, but unfortunatly the quality 
of hibichi's than can be found here in the US has 
gone to all holy heck recently.  We're hoping 
that maybe sturdier models can be found in Japan, 
and more to the point, I can find a friendly soul 
willing to help me procure a couple.  I figured 
that since I know a very friendly lot (cel 
collectors) some of which live in Japan (this 
would be some of you, you know who you are!), I'd 
ask here.

Thank you for your indulgance.  If you think you 
can help, or even point me in the right direction 
of a good website, please feel free to give me a 
buzz at jenni@lecil.net


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Message thread :
  • Wildly off topic.. (for those living in Japan) - Jenni Kirtley (11 Aug 03h48)

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