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Over 50 new cels updated and they are all up for offers!!! Please take a look. (Mon Aug 19 08:25:23 2002 )
Bill [View profile ]

Hello Everyone,
 Well, I finally got around to scanning my cels 
this weeekend, and I updated my gallery. I did a 
lot of thinking, too, and I have decided it is 
time for me to quit this hobby now. I have 
interests in other things, including cars. This 
means all, and I mean *ALL*, my cels in my 
gallery are up for offers. I will be taking 
offers for one week, starting now, and ending 
midnight next Monday eastern time. If the offer 
on any cel is especially to my liking, I have the 
right to sell it right there on the spot. If you 
would like, please stop by and take a look at 
what I have. Series include Yu Yu Hakusho, which 
has about 40 cels, DBZ, Cowboy Bebop, Tenchi 
Muyo, and some others. If you would like to make 
an offer on any cel, or if you have any 
questions, please feel free to e-mail me at 
mhuls2@juno.com. My gallery url is: 
7.rubberslug.com Just copy and paste this link or 
use the link above. Thanks for everything, and 


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