I don't have my tapes on hand at the moment, but
I am 95% positive it's from the last couple
episodes during his fight with the bird shinma.
His posture clearly looks like he is doing
something active and not just standing around
talking to Miyu (besides I think he only takes
his mask off to do that in the manga). There
are only three times in the series that I recall
he takes it off to do any kind of fighting:
-the fight with the mask shinma towards the
beginning. But he is either wearing the
nobleman clothes or in purple lighting.
-umi no hikari arc. But that's all in normal
lighting, and your cel has a brighter than
normal lighting tone to it.
-last fight with the bird shinma. If you want
more specific you'll need to watch the ep.
Though I THINK this is from the very end of the
fight, and the light is actually coming from
his "finishing move" (ambiguity left for spoiler
reasons. If you haven't seen to the end and want
more details feel free to email me.) |