Hi Rebecca,
If you got them in the last few years at Mandarake, and
especially if they are from the more current series like this, you
likely have paid about what they are worth. I've looked though
the bins a few times and come across very few good deals in the
last several years. Mandarake is pretty aware of what americans
are willing to pay. I suspect that in this price range, you
wouldn't make all that much selling them on eBay because of the
shipping and hassle on most of them would be too much. Your
idea of meeting people (con or clubs) may be a little more
fruitful, since a lot of people don't mind dropping $10 on the
spot for series they like, even if the images aren't particularly
If you are actually going to try selling them at a con, and are
considering pricing in the $20+ range, I would suggest going to
the dealer's room and checking out the bargain bins at the
dealer's tables, or the trinket dealers who also sell a few cels on
the side. If you are in the same price range and quality, you
probably aren't going to sell them too fast. At the least, it would
give you an idea of where they fall.
I don't mean to sound negative, but I just didn't want people to
get your expectations too high. The day of walking into the
prominant cel shops in Japan and walking out with steels has
been over for many years. There is just too much traffic from
other Americans doing the same thing, and the internet makes it
pretty easy to track what things are going for over here. That
doesn't mean you can't make some money for the convenience
of bring it over, but I didn't want people throwing out numbers
like $100 to get your hopes up and then leave you
Hope this helps,