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Help Boston people if you can! (And a show me) (Wed Aug 28 04:04:07 2002 )
ladybrick [View profile ]

Well, my move to Boston has kinda fallen apart... 
I know that most people are probably moving 
themselves or going to AXNY, but is anyone 
available Sunday afternoon/evening to help move 
some large furniture (futon, dresser) into a 5th 
floor apartment (SHOULD be a working 
elevator...)  My mom's cousin backed out so it's 
just my tiny mom with a bad back and tiny me with 
a bad wrist ^^;;  I don't expect anyone to be 
free but if anyone can help, drop me an e-mail 
please ^^;;

Oh, and since I'm flying out in less than 36 
hours, anyone have cels of characters waving 
goodbye?  ^^;

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