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I may be able to help all of you, but... (Fri Aug 30 02:31:20 2002 )
gai [View profile ]

I probably know where a good chunk of these cels 
are, but unfortunately they are in LA and I live 
about 1-2 hours away.  That may not sound that 
tough, but the place is only open on business 
days (M-F), which makes it tough for me to 
commute to from class.

Also, this place is NOT a store.  I would 
basically have to talk with an old friend who 
works there to let me visit and check out the 
cels.  However, a few of those cels should be 
easy enough to obtain as long as I can pay their 
asking prices.

As of now, it'll be very tough for me (with my 
schedule) to make this kind of trip and if I do, 
it'll only probably be a one-time deal.  So I 
may only be willing to help those who are DEADLY 
SERIOUS about buying cels from Twilight, as in 
you're going to have to be willing to do a few 
things that may be a little unusual.

Anyway, if you're interested, feel free to e-
mail me and we can discuss this more in private.

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