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Brand New Site!...okay...brand new layout and design... (Tue Sep 3 05:03:08 2002 )
Jenn-B nli [View profile ]

Well...as many of you may have heard, I had a 
full system melt-down with my computer about a 
month ago.  This means that I lost everything - 
my cel scans, images and most importantly, my web 
site.  Sooooo, I had to start from scratch.  
Including rescanning all of my cels.  

What I decided to do was only rescan those cels 
that I found outstanding.  In addition, I got a 
little more creative with my site layout.  
Instead of separation by series, I decided to 
separate by type of character.  If you hold the 
mouse over each character on my home page, they 
will tell you which type of character they will 
lead you to.  I'm not sure how well this will 
work out...please do let me know what you think!

In addition, you'll notice quite alot of cels 
that are missing from my site.  Is there 
something that you remember being there that you 
were extremely interested in?  Write to me and 
let me know.  I just may be will to part with 
it.  I do have a few pieces that I need to rescan 
yet, as well as some new items.  But I feel that 
it may be time to seriously trim down my 
collection...plus there are a few choice pieces 
that I am working on.  

I should have an update in just a few 
days...assuming that I am not working another 7 
day work week.  The silly grapes are coming in 
like a summer thunder storm!  

Anyhow, please stop by and tell me what you think 
of the new layout.  I would really appreciate any 
input.  And as always, thank you for your time!


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