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Re: Show Me: FINAL cels!..... (Fri Sep 6 18:59:10 2002 )
Chaotic Serenity [View profile ]

If you read my wishlist, you'd know what cels I 
want to knock of my wishlist.  I started out with 
a huge wishlist, then knocked it down to size, 
cut it down some more, and then managed to limit 
it to about three or four specific cels I wanted 
per series.

I had about four or five ultimate wishlist cels 
that I wanted before I stopped collecting.  After 
viewing a few other series, that upped again, but 
still is cut down to size.  I've already found 
Toma from Dragonball Z, and I picked up the EXACT 
shot of Suboshi from the first FY OAV soon 
afterwards.  And just a week ago, I found my 
ultimate wishlist cel of Tooya from Ayashi no 
Ceres.  I should probably count Soi in there too, 
since I wasn't going to stop until I had her 

Now I only have just a few left, and if I ever 
find them, I will not only stop collecting from 
that series, but upon total completion, cel 
collecting in general:

Ayashi no Ceres:

-THIS exact shot of 
Aki, or at least one very close to it in the 
sequence.  It has to be the most beautiful shot 
in the series.  If I get this, I probably won't 
even bother with Aya and Tooya.

Tooya and Aya:  Either this shot or this one.  They're from 
the same episode.

Fushigi Yuugi:

-Unfortunately, I don't have a screenshot, but I 
would kill for the shot of Chichiri and Soi in 
real world clothes from the first OAV's last 
omake.  But since I've only seen painfully few of 
those, I know my chances are slim.  ;-;  I want 
it mostly for Soi, so the other wishlist at the 
FY ultimate dream cel level would be Soi and 
Nakago together.  I would especially love this image of them from the battle 
against Konan.

Magic Knight Rayearth

-Child Hikaru  (I've actually found this.  Now I 
just need the money.  *hopes it won't sell before 
she does*)


-Absolutely loathed this series, and the artwork 
was a bit too boxy for my tastes, but the scene 
of Kamui weeping as he embraces Fuuma's severed 
head has to be one of the most amazing pieces of 
animation I've ever seen.  I want it, damnit, and 
I know who has it.  >_<  So now I just want 
anything from that sequence.

Anyhow, that's all of 'em.  Hope the links work.  


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