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Return of Hot Ice - Gallery Update, Open for Offers, and HELP ME (Sat Mar 26 12:10:51 2005 )
Hot-Ice [View profile ]

*walks in and quietly looks around for familiar 

Yikes I've been gone a while... I've had some 
serious financial difficulties, as well as health 
issues (which are still being dealt with).  But 
things are looking back up, and I've been able to 
get back to collecting again.  =D

Update includes : 2 Yuyu Hakusho (Mitari, 
Sensui), 1 Fan Cel (Hiead from Candidate for 
Goddess), and 5 Unknows.  WARNING : the fan cel 
that I have was made by me, and looks really bad.

I have yet, again... created a new webpage for my 
cels.  (what else am I gonna do w/the time and 
lack of money I was dealing with :P) the site 
will eventually hold a gallery of photography, 
and graphic design stuff as well.  Though right 
now the only two links with subject matter is 

So on to the offers... I have a Harry MacDougal 
cel with -MY- name on it! Sooooo, I'm opening my 
gallery up to offers.  If ever I was going to be 
more open to selling my babies it would be now.  
Please send offers/inquiries to the email above.  
Thanks.  =D

Anyways...  due to my chinese zodiac being a 
monkey, I have recently purchased 4 cels of 
monkies, and I don't know where they are from!!! 
HELP ME!  Attached is a picture of all my 
unknowns, if any of you happen to know where they 
are from... PLEASE let me know.

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Message thread :
  • Return of Hot Ice - Gallery Update, Open for Offers, and HELP ME - Hot-Ice (26 Mar 12h10)

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