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Here's another cel sibling! (Sat Sep 7 19:05:22 2002 )
Kitt - nli [View profile ]

This was my first 'serious' cel from Yahoo Japan, 
back when I didn't have a YJ ID of my own.  A 
wonderful, *wonderful!* amazing friend, who lives 
in CA got up insanely early on a Saturday 
(5:30 am!) to watch the end of the auction with 
me, to head off snipers.  

We both had the auction running, hitting refresh 
constantly (at least I was!) and chatting on ICQ. 
 I was so nervous, since I couldn't even bid on my 
own behalf and she was convinced I had overbid 
even before the flurry of sniper bids came in.  
She had to increase my bid three times before the 
end of the auction to win it for me!

She was sooo happy for me at the end, that I had 
won it, though she was still convinced (at that 
time) I had paid too much for it.  I came away 
with two treasures that day;  one of my most 
favorite cels and a really wonderful friend, 
tested in the fires of fiercely competitive 
bidding!  ^_^

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