Welps, it took a lot of nervous reloading,
shooting off order emails when I should have been
working *innocent look*, and half my paycheck, but
it's here. Just about the only YuexTouya cel I
could ever desire. I also feel like this is kind
of breaking me into 'serious' collecting, because
I never thought I'd spend this much on a piece of
painted acetate before. But...it was worth it.
Completely. *very big grin*
So, in honor of my newest acquisition, Yue and
Touya from Cardcaptor Sakura in their Perfect
Moment, show me yours! Those scenes that just
embody everything about a character (or
characters) for you, the one that makes the show,
the one where you sighed and said "this...is
Talia, giving off little fangirl squeaks |