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DUMB off topic/sort-of on topic question for those fluent in Japanese: What does Samurai say? (Mon Sep 9 22:12:41 2002 )
Sonia Lai [View profile ]

Dear Animanga forum,

Hi, well this is a very DUMB question that came up
while I was watching old repeats of The Challenge
of the Superfriends late Saturday night/Sunday
morning on Cartoon Network.  I have always
wondered this, but I never had the resources to
find out.  What does Samurai, the Japanese
superhero of the Superfriends who can turn himself
into a mini typhoon (and invisible sometimes), say
in his incantation?  I don't think I have the
phonetic skills to even attempt to type what he
says, but I'm hoping that someone here who is
fluent in Japanese can tell me what the
incantation translates to in English.

By the way, I just had to watch the old corny
Challenge of the Superfriends again after watching
Justice League's season premiere, "Injustice for
All" which had several homages to the League of
Doom (that purple outfit of Luthor's especially)!
Any help would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks.



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