Odd request here. I got this B'TX cel a short
while back from a very nice collector. I've never
seen the anime, but the scene struck me as
beautiful (I'm a sucker for pan cels, backgrounds,
and flowers!) and it was offered at what I
considered a fantastic price. So I jumped on it.
Unfortunately, a money crunch has me prioritizing
my cels in an effort to raise some cash. I wasn't
looking to sell this cel, but a friend has almost
talked me out of it. Problem is, I'm not sure
what the B'TX market is like. They don't seem to
be popular cels in general. I'd like to charge a
fair price, but not give the cel away (I think it
is easily worth several times what I paid for it).
Likewise, I'd rather not bleed this person dry,
since they are a friend after all.
Please avoid answers that say "a cel is worth
whatever it's worth to you" and philosophical
thoughts along that same vein. I understand that
line of reasoning, but I also know that a
collector of a certain series can usually appraise
a cel to within a certain range. I can do this
with most Tenchi cels, for example. So if any
B'TX collectors out there can offer me their
opinion, I'd greatly appreciate the info. You can
post here or e-mail me. ^_^
PS---The scan is cropped on all sides, especially
top and bottom. And the cel colors are actually
much more vibrant in person. |