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Responding to an old post, non-cel topic...designing a web page design offer (Yann?). (Thu Sep 19 03:52:55 2002 )
E-N-J [View profile ]

Hello all web-page creators!

There is an international  high school here in 
Japan, that I am closely related with. Recently, 
the principal of the school asked me if I could 
find anyone to create a homepage for the 
school. So, I have set out to look for a web 
guru, starting here, since I remember a post a 
while back., that someone (Yann?) could 
actually set up a bi-lingual website (English-
Japanese) for a minimum fee ($200-300). 
But everyone that has the skill is welcome to 
respond to this post.
 This school does not need anything 
elaborate, but  functional enough to add links, 
digital images, etc. They have the English and 
Japanese content already translated, they just 
need someone to put it all together for them 
and leave some admin. ablities to be able to 
use a template or form field to add-on/delete 
things, like images, text, etc.
If anyone feels that they are qualified to truly do 
this please contact me at the above email.

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Message thread :
  • Responding to an old post, non-cel topic...designing a web page design offer (Yann?). - E-N-J (19 Sep 03h52)

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